Design Thinking | Ironhack Challenge 1: Citymapper

October is finally here, and with it comes the final countdown to the Ironhack UX/UI Bootcamp that I will attend later this month. Ironhack has provided me with a series of challenges to shift my mental gears into place for the course. These challenges are focused on four areas: UX, UI, Usability and Web Design. My first challenge, design thinking, has me taking a deep dive into the popular navigation app: Citymapper.

Nicole Cacchiotti
7 min readOct 7, 2020
Citymapper Home Screen


Citymapper was founded in 2011, in London, by former Google employee Azmat Yusuf. Since its launch, it has grown to support travel in 50+ cities worldwide. Citymapper is free and allows its users to stitch together multimodal forms of transportation to get from point A to B in the most efficient way. This is an increasingly useful feature, with the rise of new sharing services such as e-bikes and scooters.

At the moment, Citymapper has not integrated a way to purchase tickets within the app — the one exception to this being their PASS subscription for Londoners. In 2019 Citymapper rolled out PASS…

