User Interface Design | Ironhack Challenge 2: Wireframing

Reverse engineering Wolt — Berlin’s hot new delivery app

Nicole Cacchiotti
3 min readOct 7, 2020

For the second out of four challenges provided by Ironhack in preparation for the upcoming UX/UI Bootcamp, I’ve received the task of reverse-engineering an application of my choosing. I decided to work with Wolt, the up-and-coming food delivery service in Berlin. For those outside Berlin, for the past year and a half, Lieferando has dominated the German takeout-service market. Then over the summer, Wolt, the Finnish based delivery service, made its first appearance and quickly proved itself as a worthy competitor. After using Lieferando’s lack-luster interface for so long, Wolt’s clean and image-heavy design is especially appealing — for this reason, I was interested in breaking down the app’s UI to understand more about why the layout is so easy on the eyes.

How much is too much?

Place an order pt. 1: Homepage -> Search

After stripping down the interface to a standard wireframe, the first thing I noticed was how long the homepage is! I’ve only used the app a handful of times, so until now, it hadn’t crossed my mind that there could be too much information…

